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💥 Wishlist Punch A Bunch on STEAM 🥊 👉

📜 Awesome Courses I took to Learn Game Dev*
GameDev.tv links (The teacher’s own website, usually a better deal than Udemy).
– UE4 blueprints course:
– UE4 C++ course:
– Unity course (best course I ever took):

Udemy links (check above links first, usually a better deal):
– UE4 blueprints course:
– UE4 C++ course:
– Unity course (best course I ever took):

❤️ Social
• Instagram:
• Twitter:
• Discord:

🎵 Music
I get all my music from Epidemic Sound – Check them out!
Epidemic Sound:

📋 Chapters
Intro: 00:00
My Organization App (ad): 00:40
Making A Wrestler: 01:30
Bouncy Ropes: 05:26
Headed For Outer Space: 09:44
Making A Champion: 14:16
Into Darkness: 16:14

*Note, above links are affiliate links which means I will receive a small commission if you decide to buy a course. The price will be the same for you, no difference. Thanks for your support!*

Making lots of really difficult end game bosses for my Indie Game in Unreal Engine. This is Punch A Bunch Devlog 24.