Roblox Untitled Boxing Game is a new upcoming fighting game on roblox with 8 different fighting styles that include Ippo, Hitman, Counter, Long Guard, Basic, corkscrew, Smash, and Trickster. I use each of these fighting styles!

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hello everyone!

did you know we already got an idea of what the next style is gonna be?
well if you didn’t know it yet, ill be talking about it now.
so for starters, the next style is gonna be a rare rarity style. same as counter and corkscrew
so what style is it? well, it’s gonna be the Kimura style.
for those who haven’t heard who Kimura is, kimura is a friend of Ippo and Takamura.
as for his fighting style, I have a theory on how it’s gonna work.
kimura’s specialty is his dragonfish blow and how it basically works is that it’s a follow-up overhead from a liver blow. so my guess on how it’s gonna work is that it’s probably gonna work like Wolf’s white fang. a follow-up mechanic.
or it could be a special heavy attack just like the smash style’s smash and corkscrew’s corkscrew punch.
and since Kimura is an in-fighter, basically a fighter that is best when he is in close range. that’s if they’re basing the kimura style on his match with Mashiba (the hitman style user)
I’m leaning on him being a balanced character with no special mechanic other than his dragonfish blow which can either be a follow-up attack or a high-damaging heavy attack. and since he is an in-fighter he probably won’t have any range. As for his speed, he’s probably gonna be as fast as the basic style or will probably work like basic but is accompanied by his dragon fish blow.
also since in the anime, he kind of just takes the hits, I think his block will be mediocre
but since he was able to dodge hitman’s jabs. at least at those final rounds, he had with the hitman user. he’s probably gonna have a good dash
as for his ultimate, here is my prediction. again it’s once again from this PlayStation 3 hajime no ippo game. and my hawk prediction was spot on. so there’s a high chance this might be his ultimate.

that’s just my prediction for the kimura style though. maybe when he comes out his kit is gonna be entirely different.
anyways that’s my prediction on how the new fighting style, the kimura style is gonna work. how will he work? do you guys have ideas? feel free to comment down below some answers. anyways, that’s all from me see you guys on the next one. peace.

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